Nationality lawyer
Altea's lawyers specialising in Belgian immigration law are also experts in all matters concerning Belgian nationality.
Since its general overhaul in 2013, the Belgian Citizenship Code has been the subject of constant amendments, whether through the modification and adoption of new texts (the supplementary royal decrees and administrative circulars on the implementation of the citizenship code), but also the evolving interpretation of these texts by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and by the Courts and Tribunals.
In the face of these constant developments, the information circulating on Belgian nationality, both on the internet and at municipal level, is too often obsolete and generic, and is therefore a source of confusion or even error.
In this respect, it is always useful to seek the advice of a specialist lawyer who can provide you with up-to-date advice tailored to your individual situation.
Do you meet the requirements to submit a declaration of Belgian nationality? Do you have the right to request naturalisation? Will it be possible for your children to become Belgian citizens?
Often, a simple consultation during a single meeting will allow us to answer these questions and then allow you to pursue your case on your own without difficulty.
At Altea, we are on your side to give advice regarding any questions and procedures relating to the award of Belgian nationality to minor children, the award of Belgian nationality by declaration or by naturalisation, the loss and recovery of Belgian nationality, statelessness and appeals against the refusal of Belgian nationality. Over time, our lawyers have also become specialists in the process of acquiring Belgian nationality for holders of special cards and for British citizens who are committed to European nationality and are therefore wishing to acquire Belgian nationality in the context of Brexit.
Contact Céline Verbrouck or Catherine de Bouyalski, specialist lawyers in immigration law and international family law, certified by the Order of Lawyers of the Bar of Brussels.