International child support lawyer
National and international legal instruments exist in order to prevent or resolve an international kidnapping situation.
Some countries are bound by international conventions and actively collaborate with the Belgian authorities in the event of an international kidnapping.
A situation where a parent wishes to move abroad and bring the child along does not automatically constitute an international kidnapping situation. Nowadays, the phenomenon of moving for professional reasons is frequent. When parents are separated, it becomes necessary to adapt the rules which govern child custody and financial contributions to education and living expenses.
An amicable settlement is always preferable, but is it necessary for a judge to approve it, and if so, which judge? Will it be up to the judge of the country of destination or the judge of the country of origin to approve the plan ?
In the absence of an amicable settlement, legal remedies are possible, but before which judge and within which timeframe? Mechanisms specific to international child kidnappings can be put into place. Specific certificates may be issued. Prohibition to leave the territory may be imposed.
The laws applicable to an international family situation can also vary depending on the problem at hand (parental authority, child accommodation, divorce, matrimonial regime, etc.) In some cases, the procedures can be divided or combined in front of the same judge.
Altea offers advice by an international child support lawyer, adapted to your personal situation.
Contact Celine Verbrouck, lawyer specialising in immigration law and international private family law, certified by the Brussels Bar.