Family reunification lawyer
How to bring a spouse, partner or child into Belgium? Is it easier to obtain a visa for family reunification if one is married abroad ? Will a marriage certificate from overseas be valid in Belgium ?
Is it possible to obtain a residence permit for my parents, for a person with whom I am not married, for a child under Kefala, for a minor under guardianship, for a homosexual couple, for a dependent…?
Every individual has, in principle, the right to live with their family. However this right is not absolute.
Belgian regulations on family reunification have tightened over the past couple of years, especially with respect to meeting the condition of having sufficient financial means to live in the country, which is often required.
Differences also exist according to the nationality of the person who lives in Belgium and wishes to apply for their family to come join them.
The right to family reunification is complex and must be examined through the lenses of international law, European law, and national law.
Altea offers advice by expert lawyers, adapted to your personal situation.
Contact Céline Verbrouck or Catherine de Bouyalski, specialist lawyers in immigration law and international family law, certified by the Order of Lawyers of the Bar of Brussels.