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Administrative and Constitutional Law
Immigration Law
International Family Law

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Administrative and Constitutional Law
Immigration Law
International Family Law

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Altea Attorney

Asylum and subsidiary protection

International protection law is complex. So many national rules as well as international rules come into play.

Refugee status or subsidiary protection can be called into question by the Belgian asylum authorities. This can be the case, for example, when a member of the family requests a Schengen visa and this process, or the information provided at the time of the process, contradicts the declarations or reasons that had justified granting status to a person in Belgium.

Altea has developed such great expertise in this subject that Céline Verbrouck even teaches at the University.

We intervene in situations that are especially worthy of interest, for instance for people in particularly vulnerable situations, the sick, victims of gender violence, etc.

We work together with other professionals (doctors, psychologists, social workers, associations, etc.).

Altea offers advice by expert lawyers, adapted to your personal situation.

Contact Céline Verbrouck or Catherine de Bouyalski, specialist lawyers in immigration law and international family law, certified by the Order of Lawyers of the Bar of Brussels.


Altea brings together lawyers highly specialised in:

- Constitutional and administrative public law;

- Foreign nationals and private international family law.

The firm strives to be accessible.

Altea covers many intertwining areas but the firm’s lawyers all have an interest in defending human rights.


Boulevard Louis Schmidt 56, 1040 Etterbeek - Belgium

+32(0)2 894 45 70