Lawyer specialized in school, public and administrative law
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Emmanuel Gourdin was recognised as a specialist in administrative law and education law in 2015. In the same year, he joined Céline Verbrouck and Michel Kaiser as an Altea associate.
In his work, Emmanuel Gourdin brings his clients his extensive legal expertise in his field and considerable understanding of the challenges involved, including non-legal obstacles, for example, human, commercial, political and strategic issues.
Emmanuel Gourdin practises in all the administrative law and constitutional law fields.
He also very often handles cases in education law, public service law, urban planning and environmental law, local government law (particularly municipal taxes), public economic law, public contract law (particularly concessions) and constitutional law and human rights.
Among other areas, he also specialises in administrative health law, particularly pharmaceutical law and hospital law, constitutional law, public procurement law, human rights and expropriation.
He is also committed to finding non-judicial remedies to disputes.
In his work he often pleads before the Council of State, the Constitutional Court (among others), administrative authorities and bodies, and so on. He also provides legal advice.
Emmanuel Gourdin, who graduated from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) in 2003, has qualifications in complementary studies and specialised qualifications in economic and social ethics (UCL) and development cooperation (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
Having worked in public authority administration at the Ministry of the Brussels-Capital Region, he joined the Brussels Bar in 2007 as a trainee at the law firm Xirius and was later employed by Michel Kaiser. He helped to set up Altea, and in 2015 he became an associate of the firm.
What is more, Emmanuel Gourdin was responsible for a social legislation course at the Institut Supérieur d’Enseignement Infirmier (from 2008 to 2010) and a number of administrative and constitutional law courses (from 2008 to 2012) at the Ecole Nationale de Fiscalité.
List of publications from Emmanuel Gourdin
- E. GOURDIN, « «Un défi relevé et une occasion manquée pour la Communauté française », note sous C.C.89/2011, A.P., 2011/3, pp. 283-289.
- E. GOURDIN, « L’absence de recours effectif pour les candidats au concours d’admission au stage judiciaire : une lacune à combler », note sous C.C. 161/2011, A.P., 2012/1, pp. 127-132.
- E. GOURDIN, «La relation de travail des membres de cabinets ministériels en Région de Bruxelles-capitale : entre le statut et le contrat», note sous CE, n° 222.558 du 19 février 2013, Vanderstichele, A.P., 2013/2, pp. 241-247.
- E. GOURDIN et M. KAISER, « La qualité du requérant et son intérêt au recours et au moyen », La justice administrative, F. VISEUR et J. PHILIPPART (dir.), Collection de la Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, Larcier, Bruxelles, 2015 pp.31-84.
- E. GOURDIN et M. KAISER, « Les établissements pour personnes âgées en Région de Bruxelles-capitale », in P.-O. DEBROUX et D. YERNAUT, Le droit bruxellois. Un bilan après 25 ans d'application (1989 - 2014), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2015, pp. 1423-1453.